Monday, May 10, 2010

Oh, Fudge

Can you believe that I'm not really a big fan of fudge? Too often it is just too sugary and the chocolate flavor is overwhelmed by the competition. However, some of the best fudge ever was made by my oh-so-sweet mother-in-law, and I would guard a gift of her fudge like a mother bear. Spending years perfecting the art, she told me she learned that the best thing to do with a batch of fudge that didn't measure up was to spread it on graham crackers and let the boys have at it. I think they will always be thankful for her generosity! One of my favorite gifts from her was a sauté pan with a batch of her homemade fudge in it. YUM! Is it weird that I still think I can smell the chocolate all these years later when I make an omelet in that pan?

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know she made fudge!! I'm not a huge fan either, at least most of the time. It usually tastes too much like frosting from a can. Maybe we should try making some next time we're together!
