My mother, obviously, has been a great influence in my life. But I think my passion for chocolate is more than influence; I'm quite sure it's genetic. However, I do know that I was greatly impressed about the importance of chocolate when I came home from 1st grade one day to find my mother relaxing on the living room sofa with a magazine and a WHOLE BOX OF CHOCOLATES!!! She was savoring one - I can actually remember seeing the ooey-gooey insides - and she even offered the box to me to choose whichever one I wanted! I was giddy. I was exhilerated. I was conflicted. Do I pick the one that obviously had a nut filling? Or the one with a pink rose on top? Or the dark chocolate with the white chocolate squiggly design? Maybe I could be absolutely careless and pick something randomly. I don't remember what my actual choice was but I do remember biting into it.....and being even more surprised. It was a rubber chocolate, as were all the rest in the box. April Fool's!
This sweet little plate will be sitting on my counter on April Fool's Day just inviting trouble - can you tell which two are edible and which two are not? I also have yummy looking hard candies that are supposed to taste like fish - can't say for sure because I'm not going to try one myself. Oh, and some fake dog mess that will be strategically placed for Keven & Kris' benefit. (Thanks for the inspirations, mom!)
Tricky, tricky Grandma! Good thing you were never so mean as to trick us with rubber chocolate. Yesterday I bought Ben some chocolate dipped oreos at a Bake Sale. I can never quite make them as good as the one's a classmate I wait and wait until there is an event, and then I swoop in and get them all. My love for chocolate is definitely genetic, but I have had to teach Ben the art of loving chocolate, and savoring it; his love is for sure an influence.